New Project: The Complexity of Touch

The Complexity of Touch at The Bermondsey Project Space May- June 2023

I am delighted to announce that my new project, The Complexity of Touch, will be exhibited at The Bermondsey Project Space from May 23rd to June 3rd.

The Bermondsey Project Space is on Bermondsey Street in London.

The project explores the sense of touch. The installation is multi-sensory, where you are invited to touch everything. This tactile adventure is designed to engage all the senses, but particularly touch, and is based on original psychological research about touch and attention carried out earlier this year, as part of an ongoing collaboration with Professor Polly Dalton from Royal Holloway University. 

A specially created soundscape by composer Nye Parry explores the tactility of sound through choreographing resonant objects in the space. 

Please find more information about the project and the location below, and a link sign up for the private view next Wednesday, 24th May. I would be thrilled to see you there!

This project has been generously supported by Arts Council England 

Please click link for more information: